Machmoud Ahmadinejad, in a photo from
his Facebook gallery entitled "Cool Places
I've Been Wearing This Stupid Jacket"
The move could undo much of the progress the Obama administration has made with Iran in recent months. The two sides recently met in Switzerland for face to face talks, and both Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have forged powerful alliances with Ahmadinejad on such Facebook diversions as Farmville and Mafia Wars. Nuclear cessation talks appeared to be headed for a breakthrough when the President responded to a “super poke” by Ahmadinejad with a “Chug It” request. In fact, Mr. Obama drew criticism from hardline Israeli conservatives upon completing the Iranian president’s Likeness quiz in April.
It’s not clear what may have soured their Facebook relationship, but it would be the latest in a series of twists in a tempestuous game of social media diplomacy.
The international community famously chastised President Bush for his refusal to add Ahmadinejad as a friend despite repeated requests. President Obama won praise from France when he reversed this course, but drew fire from Russia after ignoring Ahmadinejad’s pleas to be among his “Top Friends.”
The White House refused comment on this story, posting only “TTYL” on its Twitter page. Ahmadinejad has coyly updated his status as “might be making intercontinental nuclear missiles, might not be.”