Behold, the bastard step-child of Bill Cosby's
Picture Pages.Azula, the shoulder-length haired man famous for his whiteboard drawing prowess, recently stopped at a Kroger in Norwood to pick up a tube of Chap Stick, some Triscuits, Fanta soda, and, for grins, a package of dry-erase markers.
And that’s exactly where the trouble began.
“First he made a big deal about asking me where he could find the school supplies aisle,” recalls Spokane. “Like I’m supposed to rip off my panties and throw them at him since he’s a big celebrity.”
“Then he waited to come through my lane. He could have gone to lane 12 with no waiting. But no. He waited for me. Then he held the markers up in front of his face and said, ‘So, I noticed you don’t have any brown dry-erase markers'.”
“Hilarious, douche nozzle.”
Things didn’t get any better when Spokane asked Azula to sign his credit card receipt. Spokane says instead of simply scribbling his name, the whiteboard impresario whipped out a marker and proceeded to draw a cartoon in place of his signature.
“He just babbled on about shipping something to China, then rerouting it to London, then rerouting it back to Mexico. He kept erasing everything and re-drawing it. And let me tell you, that guy’s index finger is royally stained with brown marker. It looks like he stores his finger inside Babar’s ass.”
Azula offered his autograph, but Spokane was unmoved.
“We have stars in here all the time. Carrot Top came in here last week. Everyone stayed away from him, too. He smelled like hot dog water.”