“Look--I’m Mr. Heat Miser. I’m Mr. Sun. I’m Mr. Green Christmas. I’m Mr. one-hundred-and-one. Not this global warming horseshit.”

Heat Miser. But you can call him "One BAMF."Heat Miser says he’s fed up with the way scientists attribute melting glaciers and snow caps to the greenhouse effect. He says it’s time to give credit where credit is due, although he uses less diplomatic language.
“You can take your carbon dioxide and shove it down your throat. Then when you shit, you’ll be shitting carbon dioxide. Then you can eat that shit and the cycle begins anew. Fucking carbon dioxide, my ass,” adds Mr. Miser.
Heat Miser’s outburst could give the faction of climate change skeptics the celebrity face it so desperately needs. Former Vice President Al Gore won a Nobel Prize and renewed fame for his efforts to raise awareness of global warming. Heat Miser is confident he can top Gore’s success.
“Have you ever seen Al Gore lead a ragtime romp inside a volcano? I didn’t think so. The guy’s a pussy.”