Saturday, September 12, 2009

And So It Begins

Blogging is like teen sex.

Everyone wants to do it. Everyone wants their friends to know they're doing it. Everyone thinks they're really good at it. Afterward, they're surprised it didn't turn out better.

A few months ago, my wife let me know about a Cincinnati-based satire news website (picture "The Onion", but smothered with a blanket of water-thin chili). I thought, "I'm funny. I'm in Cincinnati." So I whipped up some samples and sent them off.

Apparently the publisher thinks I'm neither funny nor in Cincinnati. He never wrote me back after telling me he desperately needed writers.

It bummed me out. So I joined the awkward teen sex crowd of bloggers who have delusions of widespread acclaim but no idea what they're doing. At least it doesn't cost us anything.

I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please pass it on.
